


—— 正规合法 面谈签约 ——




来源:本站   发布时间:2023-08-13nbsp;  点击量:210

中国公民同外国人办理婚姻登记的几项规定(失效) 中国公民同外国人办理婚姻登记的几项规定1983年8月17日国务院批准 1983年8月26日民政部公布 已被2003年8月8日国务院令第387号公布的《婚姻登记条例》代替 2008年1月15日国务院516号令决定废止 一、中国公民同外国人(包括常驻我国和临时来华的外国人、外籍华人、定居我国的侨民)在中国境内自愿结婚的,男女双方当事人必须共同到中国公民一方户口所在地的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府指定的婚姻登记机关申请登记。二、申请结婚登记的男女双方,必须遵守中华人民共和国婚姻法和本规定的有关条款。三、申请结婚登记的中国公民和外国人,须分别持有下列证件:甲、中国公民:  (一)本人的户籍证明:  (二)本人户口所在地的县级人民政府或工作所在单位的县级以上机关、学校、事业、企业单位出具的本人姓名、性别、出生年月、民族、婚姻状况(未婚、离婚、丧偶、下同)、职业、工作性质、申请与何人结婚的证明。乙、外国人:  (一)本人护照或其他身份、国籍证件;  (二)公安机关签发的《外国人居留证》,或外事部门颁发的身份证件,或临时来华的入境、居留证件;  (三)经本国外交部(或外交部授权机关)和我驻该国使、领馆认证的由本国公证机关出具的婚姻状况证明;或该国驻华使、领馆出具的婚姻状况证明。丙、外国侨民:  (一)本人护照或代替护照的身份、国籍证件(无国籍者免交);  (二)公安机关签发的《外国人居留证》;  (三)本人户口所在地县级人民政府或工作所在单位的县级以上机关、学校、事业、企业单位出具的本人姓名、性别、出生年月、婚姻状况、职业、申请与何人结婚的证明。  此外,申请结婚的男女双方,还须提交婚姻登记机关指定医院出具的婚前健康检查证明。四、下列中国公民不准同外国人结婚:  (一)现役军人、外交人员、公安人员、机要人员和其他掌握重大机密的人员;  (二)正在接受劳动教养和服刑的人。五、凡证件齐全、符合本规定的中国公民和外国人,可持证件和男女双方照片,到婚姻登记机关提出申请。经婚姻登记机关审查了解,符合中华人民共和国婚姻法和本规定的准予登记,一个月内办理登记手续,发给结婚证。结婚证须贴有男女双方当事人照片,并加盖办理涉外婚姻登记的县级以上人民政府婚姻登记专用章(钢印)。六、中国公民和外国人在华要求离婚的,应按中华人民共和国《民事诉讼法(试行)》有关规定,向该管人民法院提出离婚诉讼。要求复婚的,按结婚办理。七、申请结婚的中国公民和外国人应向婚姻登记机关交纳婚姻证书工本费和登记手续费。所需翻译费由本人自理。八、本规定经国务院批准后施行,过去有关规定同时废止。 PROVISIONS  FOR  THE REGISTRATION  OF  MARRIAGE BETWEEN CHINESE CITIZENS AND FOREIGNERS(Approved by the State Council on August 17, 1983 and promulgated by the Ministry of Civil Affairs on August 26, 1983) 1. When Chinese citizens and foreigners (including foreign residents and those who come to China for a short visit, Chinese of foreign nationality, and foreigners who have settled down in China) decide to get married of their own free will within the boundaries of China, both the man and the woman concerned shall appear together at the marriage registration department, designated by the province, autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government, and stationed in the locality where the Chinese citizen has his/her residence registration and apply for marriage registration. 2. Both the man and the woman, who apply for marriage registration, shall abide by the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and the pertinent articles and items of these Provisions. 3. Chinese citizens and foreigners who apply for marriage registration shall respectively hold the following certificates: A. For Chinese citizens: (1) certificates of the applicant’s residence registration; (2) certificate signed and issued either by the people’s government at the county level or above which is stationed in the locality where the applicant has his/her residence registration, or by a government department, a school, an institution, or an enterprise at the county level or above, which is the applicant’s place of work; the certificate indicates the applicant’s name, sex, date of birth, nationality, marital status (single, divorced, bereft of spouse - the same below), occupation, nature of work, name of the person to marry. B. For foreigners: (1) the applicant’s passport or other documents certifying his/her identity and citizenship; (2) ""Residence Permit for Foreigners"" signed and issued by the public security department, or identification certificate issued by foreign affairs department, or entry permit and residence permit for foreigners who come to China for a short stay; (3) marital status certification issued by the notary office of the applicant’s country and confirmed by both the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (or a department authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) of the applicant’s country and the Chinese embassy or consulate in the said foreign country; or marital status certification issued by the embassy or consulate of the said foreign country in China. C. For resident foreigners in China: (1) the applicant’s passport, or identification certificate or nationality certificate used to substitute for passport (those who have no nationality may be exempted from presenting their nationality certificates); (2) ""Residence Permit for Foreigners"" signed and issued by the public security department; (3) certificate signed and issued either by the people’s government at the county level or above, which is stationed in the locality where the applicant has his/her residence registration, or by a government department, a school, an institution, or an enterprise at the county level or above, which is the applicant’s place of work; the certificate indicates the applicant’s name, sex, date of birth, marital status, occupation, name of the person to marry. In addition, both the man and the woman applying for marriage registration shall also present the pre-marital health check-up report signed and issued by a hospital designated by the marriage registration department. 4. The following Chinese citizens shall not be permitted to marry foreigners: (1) armymen in active service, diplomatic personnel, public security personnel, confidential personnel, and other personnel who are in charge of important confidential work; (2) persons who are receiving reeducation through labour or serving a sentence. 5. Chinese citizens and foreigners, who hold all the required certificates and accord with these Provisions, may present their certificates and photos to the marriage registration department and make an application. The marriage registration department, after examining the application and confirming through investigation that the application conforms to the Marriage Law of the People’s Republic of China and to these Provisions, shall give the applicants the permission to register, and to go through the registration procedures within 1 month; and then the marriage registration department shall issue the marriage certificate to them. The marriage certificate shall be attached with the photos of both the man and the woman, and be affixed with the special seal (made of steel) for marriage registration of the people’s government at the county level or above which handles the registration of marriage between Chinese and foreign nationals. 6. If a 武汉市出轨调查 Chinese citizen and a foreigner request a divorce in China, they shall, in accordance with the pertinent provisions of ""The Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China (for Trial Implementation)"", file a divorce suit with the appropriate People’s Court. Those who wish to resume marriage relationship shall go through the same registration procedures as those for marriage. 7. Chinese citizens and foreigners who apply for marriage registration shall pay for the cost of marriage certificates and also pay a registration service charge. The expenses for interpretation service shall be borne by the applicants. 8. These Provisions shall go into effect upon approval by the State Council, and all former pertinent provisions shall be null and void at the same time.
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